25 August 2008


Whats up with all the girls ?
I mean , I know
I've been away from Myspace ( for too longggg )

Tadi diorg ni ddk la cerita
Psl gmba gmba org yg kitorang kenal
How pathetic ,
I know nothing
Hah : O

There's one similarities though ,
In their pic(s) : They show their boobies

But they don't have oneee
Face that fact (!)
Pleeeaassee ?

I know you have a fugly face
That doesnt mean people will be attracted to your boobies
Don't cross the limit people

I dont want to know what's yr favorite bra is (!)
I dont even want to know how it looks like

You're embarrassing yourself

You look dirty
From outside and inside

You're disgustinngggggg

t( " , t )

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