17 June 2008

How Low Am I ?

He didnt have to tell me that
He didnt have to tell people Im stupid

He never guided me in anything
Except for religious thingy
Then why shouldnt I be blaming on him ?

I asked him things
He dont even know the answer(s) to it

Isnt that just a waste of my time ?

He only knows how to talk
But does he know what he talks about ?

Blabber there blabber here
Fuck You

Sihal betul

Dnt under estimate me

Bcs I knw
That someday I will prove you wrong

In your face , dipshit (!)

Why do they only remember the bad of us
And said it like twice a day ( or an hour )
When the best of us ,
They only say it once
In a year ?

I wouldnt want to do that to my children
Bless them *

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