01 October 2007

Pole ?

"Dont let age be a factor" - Uncle Awan

I was hvng a drink with my mthr when a friend of her saw us
And hv a little chat

He asked me "What do u want to be when u grw up?"
"Pilot maybe , who knows"
Then "Pilot? Women cant be pilot ,"
"Apa pulak"
And "U'd have to be away frm yr family"
Said "Maybe a friend passed away , u cldnt attend , a family is giving birth , u cldnt attnd ,
u would miss out those things"
Later "And it is not suitable fr a beautiful girl like u though"
"*blshing* Ohhhh"

He said "Do u drive yr mother here?"
"Huh? NO?"
Next "U dnt drive?"
"*??* I never ,"
And "Wht do u mean never? When I was yr age , my father teach me how to drive"
"Cool , but she wont let me"
He looks at mama then me "I'll teach u when I hv a free time"
"Really? Okk"
Mama disagree haha
Uncle "Dnt let age be a factor"
Mama "Fine , later later lah"
Nadia "Hehehe"

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