23 August 2007

Hey Babyy : )

Yesterday , was okay : D
yea , my brother dropped me off infrnt of Suria
so , I walked to the entrance lazily ,
and then the guard was like "jalan cepat sikit ye dik : )"
Ish I was annoyed but still , I walked on lazily though HAHA
Ayiesha called me for quite a few times (hell , shes annying)
lagi la tmbah ke-annoying-an aku
I ignored her calls and mssgs
Nak jalan dr the entrance to burger king was like 1 hour? haha
No , 20 mins I think
And when I was enjoying the walk
A guy , I mean , a whole lot of them
walked past me when one said "hey , nak pg mana?"
I throwed him my annoyed face
'God , please let it be smone hotter next time' haha

And when I finally met the escalator ,
I survived and walked to ayiesha
And u should see her face
menggelabah semacam okay!
Aku pn pg kat dia and asked "zul mana?"
She replied "belakang awak"
So I turned and saw him with 'a friend'
I throw a smiley face at him
And turned back infront and asked "sape lg sorang"
And she said "aryl la bodoh, aryl!"
Sorry , my right ear is not working well
so mcm , gelombang dia smpai lmbt sikit
And when I heard it right , I was like 'HAH?'
Omg Omg Omg hahah
Well , I can say hes hot : )

But then later , he went off with anthr friend of his
('Oh bye handsome') haha
Well so , we went down to Avenue K's BK
HAHA ramai gila bambus org ok?
*Faliq , Aizat , Musa, Fikri, Awis, Zarif, and so on* (perempuan tkde)
I was like "ha? Amanda tkde?"
And then we went in pastu monster mana tah dtg
hahaha Nadira lah!
pastu mcm 'Oh , tu la diorg'
And sudd , kitorang brpecah belah burai barai
sorang kino , sorang surau , papelah kan
So we went to kino
Pfft , masa tu jgk
Ada Bazly , Khairul , Nadzmi , Aunt Jas
I disappeared , (tanak jmpa diorg haha)
Aku mnyorok celahcelah shelf tu en
And there I was , beside me , a hot guy ,
Abt my age or whtvr I think ,
I was like looking at the books
Then he turned and look at me ,
And then to the book
haha HOT : D

Pastu nadira blah pg smbhyg kot ,
And then tnggl Ayiesha , Zul and I
kitorang blah pusingpusing
bnyk ok bdk hndsme
krja aku pd hr smlm , hnyalah snyum kpd mereka
haha : D
Pastu later on , we met them again (Fatihin , Izyan , Diyanah and Nadira)
Diorang kata guard kinokuniya tu stare people's asses : D haha
Aku pg menarinari dpn tu tunjuk bontot
hahaha lawak gila
We went to the strbcks at the park
sbb faheem tkde kat strbcks atas HAHA
And thre was SO many ppl I know
They were staring and smiling
I smiled back and so on

We (Amanda , Faliq , Kama , Nadira , Ayiesha , Zul , Ili Nadia *new friend*, Nadia) walked arnd the mall
well it was fun and dull ,
I told many stories to Ili Nadia
Not stories I mean , but secrets too
And she was laughing and laughing
haha , Shes great : )
And meen saw me somehow ,
But he didnt showed up
So we went to the park again ,
sddnly nmpk meen , I was like 'patah balik jom!'
But it was too late haha
But I survived
I hid behind a wall , haha
He didnt saw me , and I walked back to Nadira and Ayiesha (bdh sngt pg panggil meen)
Then he saw me hahahhahah
but he just smiled and do some sort of a funny face haha
He nvr failed to put on a smile on me en? : )

Kitorang gaduhgaduh oh , tktau nk pg mana
Dah la stop bnyk tmpt
Kena halau dgn guard bnyk kali okay! haha
Lawak gila bomba! Pastu tk stop manamana dah
We followed Nadira the so called ketua
And jalanjalanjalan , kat escalator
I saw a familiar face
And he smiled and wave
Hahah it was someone I know!
It was Aiman (Eman) ,
haha I smiled and waved back at him

Den dah ramai org balik ,
kitorang pg BK
yg kat atas pnya ,
buat bisingbising , pastu ada a couple of friends
selang dua meja kitorang
pndangpndang , pastu prmpuan tu bisikbisiik
aku jeling ah , mnggedik gilaaaa
pastu diorg mcm pasang lagu yg poyo and jiwang
I was like 'Ee , sape pasang lagu ni? Annoyingnya'
pastu ayiesha pi jerit "Ee , sape pnya phn tu? Bising aa"
I was like 'Ayiesha! bdhnya'
pastu org tu pndngpndng
annoying gila , zul dah tunduktunduk , bodoh btl
hahahaha , funny funny ,

pastu around 6.30 ,
aku balik , kaki dah menyerong mcm patah
hahaha , : )

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