24 August 2007

Great Eastern

I went to great eastern yesterday
nak beli makanan hamster 'konon'
HAHA mmg la beli , but to check out tht guy jgk
but unluckily , he was not working on tht day : (
oh how sad , haha so we went to G floor
and I was dancing dancing bila dr jauh
I saw someone
quite familiar and I looked at him twice
then he saw me and smiled
haha It was him
Azizul , si mph guy ,
haha : D

Mama left me there
at the book fair
pastu aku masuk la , kinda panic mulamula
masukmasuk tgk semua buku bdk kecik
barbie , bratz , barney and so on
haha , I was like 'huh? mana buku lain'
pastu , I saw this one side di mana ada buku apa tah
pastu buatbuat tgk
pastu call nadira
untuk mengelak ke-panic-an
hahah : D

borak borak borak
pastu line putus
and so I continue looking at the books
tibatiba thres a guy pushing a trolley
and stop kat situ ,
haha dia snyum
lawak je haha : D

then da mcm beli one book ni ,
pg la kat mama ,
she said she's at the southern pottery
pg pg , dia tkde
call la , ada kat at home plk
pg la at home , pastu tnggu kat lua
haha pastu titibe ada dis one guy
jlnjln pndng aku jlnjln pndng aku
haha mcm tk puas hati
bnci gila

pastu mama klua
pastu turun G floor balik
lalu kat dpn azizul balik
I smiled
pastu dia poyopoyo snyum jgk
hahah mls nk lyn : D
pastu balik

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