05 April 2009

Kids -_-

"What was my childhood like ?"
= No , I dont remember

Yesterday ,
I sat down with my maid
Who've been taking care of me for 15 years now
She recalled some of my childhood memories

Back then ,
I didnt like green veges
I prefer carrots , tomatoes and such
When we had dinner , my dad would force me to eat it all up
But I secretly hid it all under my chair

When I was 5
I had a super massive crush on my front door neighbour
Who was 7 years older ?
I even saw him taking his shower once -_-
I told my maid that Im gonna marry him someday
I even told her ambitiously , that I have 10 boyfriend(s) in school


When I had fevers
My mum would buy me tons of sweets
Bcs she knows that that would make me feel better

When I had to wake up early to go Children's Cottage
I purposely ignore my maid waking me up and purposely taking a very longggg shower
Bcs I prefer having to go to my kindergarten with my mum
Rather than going with my Uncle Van
So that I can buy Crunchies at Seven Eleven on my way there

I knew I was very cute back then
Bcs I remember all the compliments I would receive
When I accompany my mother to her office , facial day , or whtvr
Hahaha yeahhh

And when I accompany my maid to buy groceries
That mamak guy would always give me two or three candies
He'd say all the cute things to me
Hahahahah -_-


There's this mamak who sells roti and all the junk food(s)
He would come to my neighbourhood all night at 9
And he would love to carry me arnd
When my maid was buying some buns
And he would let me choose few of the junk food(s)

I would never forget that I was once a "Spice Girls #1 Fannn"
No , like seriously
My neighbour even bought all their albums and live concert dvd
I knowww
I would go to her house and watch it
Eventhough I dnt really like her
Hahahaha and she wouldnt let me go home
Not until we watched all the spice girls cd(s)

Theres this couple living next door to my house
Evrytime when they came home from work
They'd buy me a cadbury chocolate bar

Yearss back
I'd go to my neighbour's house
For Al-Quran Class
She taught me , Fini , Didi and Nina
And thats when I met Hanifa
He is sooooooooooooo cute
Back then
Hahahahahahah -_-

He's veryyy fairrrrrrrrr
You know I cant resist guys with fair skin
And his cheeks are like
Pink all the time
Hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahah

Once , I was lining up beside him
He looked at me
And made a very scary face
Ridiculous I tell you
I couldnt help myself
I burst out and laughed a little too loudly
And was scolded by my tutor
I went home with a bruise mark on the palm of my hand

When I was little
I wouldnt let my parents took a picture tgthr
Bcs stupidly , I would get so jealous
And everytime they want to take a picture tgthr
I would run up to them and stand infront of the camera

Wayyyy back when I was 7
I thought having scars and bruises on our legs was a cool thing
And I would purposely run so clumsily
Just to fall down and get a scratch

I regret having to do that
Bcs those mark(s) wont go away
Hahaha -_-

How extremely annoying can I get ?

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