I hateeeeeeeeee youuuuuuuuu
In form 1 and 2 ,
I've joined Emerald's marching team
Andddd they rock
They know how to handle us
How to train us so well that we actually won first place for it
I respect them ( the commanders ) for that : D
No , seriously
The reason Im telling all of this is bcs
Recently ,
We foolishly joined the pbsm marching team for some useless competition
We thought that it wld be fun
But it was like falling into a deep dark hell hole ,
Hahahahah ( Yes , Im exaggerating )
At first ,
It was ok
Being scolded
Being shouted
Who really cares ?
Today was sooooo out of the story
They treated us like a bunch of 10 years experienced armies
We were all girls
And a mean monster-like chif/chip
He forced us to do pumping(s)
For as many times as he likes
Evrytime we accidentally do a little mistake
And we were forced to do pumping(s)
On the tar road
With all the tiny and sharp pebbles
I can feel like the tiny stones are tearing my skin
Like fucking seriously ,
And the guys team are all doing it so happily
Marching with laughter
Commanded by Hong Wen
They didnt even have to do PUMPINGS OK (!)
We're girls for god's sake
And while we're doing all of this
The guys are all enjoying their moments ?
Laughing on how they suck at marching -_-
Its not funny
And I think we did thousand times better than them ok
I mean , I am positively 100% sure of that
But they treated us like ---------
Im already speechless
We got all the bruises
And the bloody pain
And what he is doing now is actually illegal
I dnt care if you're like a lifesaver to Pn J or that school ,
Just dont come near us , you shitty shit baldy (!)
It'd be so much fun without him
I think basically ,
If you want us to stop whining and do as you say
What if you put us under the shade away from the sun
Just like what the St Jhn Ambulance are doing
Treat us nicely
Takyah aa over sngt sampai semua org balik nangis nangis -_-
I mean ,
Look at Emerald
We were good bcs they dnt torture us until we get sunburn
They torture us under the sun just for a little while
And then we were back under the shade
Bcs they know
That when it gets hot
And we all are sweating
We'll lose the energy
And gets all whiny
I mean ,
We wont get any better if you keep telling us to do pumping(s)
29 April 2009
27 April 2009
I dnt care abt not getting enough sleep
Bcs Im used to it
I dnt care abt me having eyebags that are so obvious
Bcs it will go off sooner or later
I dnt care you criticizing my work saying its not pretty
Bcs I admit it myself that it is ugly
Because I ddnt knw how to use that fucking photoshop
But hey ,
Im not a guy
Im a girl (!)
Have a little sensitivity towards me
You didnt tell me or even the group that we were sticking with that thing
First , you said that I shld search abt waves , lightning , change the logo and the name
I searched abt it
It was so hard to find the right one
That I had to ask my mum to send me a little late to school to finish it
Rather than taking the bus at 6.15
Again , I was scolded by my father
Bcs I ddnt take the bus
And that I ddnt do my work earlier
Eventhough I had
And when I came to school
You said it was fugly
I accepted the criticism
But when you copy and paste it on the other slide
And saw all the sketches and pictures are already there too
It pissed me off
Its like you've planned it all along to use the blue theme
But yet , you didnt tell any of us
You said that we shld think of a name
Change the logo
You wasted our time ,
Stayback for nothing
You shld have just told me
So that I would search for the things that you only need
Dont waste my time
I have to do something else too
Like homework(s) ? Study for mid term ?
I dnt like the way you work
Im srry
Maybe I overreacted
But Im just a little too sensitive
When it comes to this
If I would ever have to team up with you ever again ,
I wouldnt bother on doing anyfuckingthing
Bcs Im used to it
I dnt care abt me having eyebags that are so obvious
Bcs it will go off sooner or later
I dnt care you criticizing my work saying its not pretty
Bcs I admit it myself that it is ugly
Because I ddnt knw how to use that fucking photoshop
But hey ,
Im not a guy
Im a girl (!)
Have a little sensitivity towards me
You didnt tell me or even the group that we were sticking with that thing
First , you said that I shld search abt waves , lightning , change the logo and the name
I searched abt it
It was so hard to find the right one
That I had to ask my mum to send me a little late to school to finish it
Rather than taking the bus at 6.15
Again , I was scolded by my father
Bcs I ddnt take the bus
And that I ddnt do my work earlier
Eventhough I had
And when I came to school
You said it was fugly
I accepted the criticism
But when you copy and paste it on the other slide
And saw all the sketches and pictures are already there too
It pissed me off
Its like you've planned it all along to use the blue theme
But yet , you didnt tell any of us
You said that we shld think of a name
Change the logo
You wasted our time ,
Stayback for nothing
You shld have just told me
So that I would search for the things that you only need
Dont waste my time
I have to do something else too
Like homework(s) ? Study for mid term ?
I dnt like the way you work
Im srry
Maybe I overreacted
But Im just a little too sensitive
When it comes to this
If I would ever have to team up with you ever again ,
I wouldnt bother on doing anyfuckingthing
Angrh Cmrlg
My mum can be soooo annoying at times -_-
In the car when we were going back home
She suddenly said
M = "Yg ARSHAVINAR ke SHAVINAR tadi tu handsome betul lah"
N = "*Looking at the view outside the window ignoring her*"
M = "Yg naik pentas tadi tu laaahh"
N = "...."
M = "Yg dpt Anugerah Khas tuu (!)"
M = "(Dah malu) Alah whatever la , sama je"
N = "EEE gelinya -_- , yg adik dia tu tak handsome ?"
M = "Yg mana adik dia ?"
N = "Alaaa yg besar besar tu , angrh khas jgk"
M = "Ohhh , hmm , abg dia lg handsome (Srry Manoj , you're not sexy enough for her hahahaha)"
I am sooo speechless
22 April 2009
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire ?
I have been obsessing on this one particular person
Since last week ? Or last 2 weeks ?
Guess who ?
(And no Hakim , his name is not Amita Belachan)
Think again ,

Yes , its Lady Gaga <( : O )
She is sooooo pretty ,
That I feel like killing myself
Hahahahah over
She's pretttttyyyyyyy , veryyyy pretttyyyy
Even Ne-yo wants to be pretty like her too

I love her voiceeeee ,
I love her , I love her
I sound like a total lesbo now -_-

She looks even better than Paris Hilton
Agree ?

She's got a good fashion sense too
Yes ,

Do you believe it if they say that she's actually a man ?
I think I can believe it
Since that Megan Fox thingy

Shes so cool
I like it when she used that electronic goggle stuff
Ok fine
It doesnt even make any sense

And the fact that she doesnt like to wear pants
She's so sexxyyyyyyyyyy
Ok annyg

I love this one the most
I love her eyes

Did she had a nose job ?
Thats what people said
But whatever
Her nose is so sexy too

This looks a lil bit like a slut
But shes still the best
I love the fact that she doesnt lip sync
And her voice still sounds the same on radio and on live performance
Not like Avril ( Sorry Nadira -_- HAHAHA )
20 April 2009
No Offense
I know
This is such a bad feeling
I hate herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I dnt knw why
But I just do -_-
I know
This is such a bad feeling
I hate herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I dnt knw why
But I just do -_-
13 April 2009
F1 and brother
Im participating in a Formula 1 Competition

With Hong Wen , Nadira , Zureen and Nazreen


Im sorry ,
Im dead bored
I camwhore-d a few minutes ago
I know
Dont look at me like that (!)

Im so tireddddddddd
Tomorrow will be more tiring
Bcs there will be
And then stay back until 4 for that F1 thing
Go back home , 5.30 history tuition with Amir
Until 7
Rest rest ,
9 until 10
Chemistry class with Razazu
I dont feel like studying anymoreeeeeeeeeeee
Dont give me that look
You make me feel so bad

I want to be as fair as this
Dont I look like a vampire to you ?

My brother sent us a picture of him
He's currently roaming around Rome
Haha ok annyg
No , he's annyg-er
Bcs he gets to travel eventhough he's sitting for an exam in 2 weeks time
Arse holeeeeeeeee -_-
Oh so the picture ,
Mama said that his face looks thinner
I dont think so
Its just bcs he's doing the pout -_-

Seeeeee ,
My face looks thinner right ?
Okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk tak : (
Fineeeeeeee ,
Atleast Nadira thinks that this is sexy

With Hong Wen , Nadira , Zureen and Nazreen


Im dead bored
I camwhore-d a few minutes ago
I know
Dont look at me like that (!)

Im so tireddddddddd
Tomorrow will be more tiring
Bcs there will be
And then stay back until 4 for that F1 thing
Go back home , 5.30 history tuition with Amir
Until 7
Rest rest ,
9 until 10
Chemistry class with Razazu
I dont feel like studying anymoreeeeeeeeeeee
Dont give me that look
You make me feel so bad

I want to be as fair as this
Dont I look like a vampire to you ?

My brother sent us a picture of him
He's currently roaming around Rome
Haha ok annyg
No , he's annyg-er
Bcs he gets to travel eventhough he's sitting for an exam in 2 weeks time
Arse holeeeeeeeee -_-
Oh so the picture ,
Mama said that his face looks thinner
I dont think so
Its just bcs he's doing the pout -_-

Seeeeee ,
My face looks thinner right ?
Okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk tak : (
Fineeeeeeee ,
Atleast Nadira thinks that this is sexy

12 April 2009
Father And Daughter
My dad scolded me abt smthng
It was just a small thing
I was ok
I went upstairs and grabbed the newspaper
And read abt the 18 years old girl
She's an actress and had to go to NS
She actually cried ?
And made a big deal out of it
OK whatever
Haha tkde kena mngena
So I lie down on the bed
I swore I would have snore off any minute
When suddenly my grandmother grabbed my shoulders
And looked at my face
G = "Nangis ke ?"
N = "Heh takdelah"
G = "Babah tu bkn apaaaaa , dia tegur je tu , atuk pn selalu marah nenek jugak"
N = "( Buat muka )"
She walked away
Then came my maid
M = "Nenek cakap anaknya tknk rapat dgn bapaknya , tp bapaknya ini kalau baru mahu rapat
sudah marah marah"
Eventhough her words are all twisted , I knw what she meant by that
I ddnt know why , but when she said that I cried
M = "Dik kenapa dik , adik ni tak rapat pn dgn babah , tak macam org org lain"
N = "Sape org lain ?"
M = "Mcm auntie zurina (nxt door nghbr) , anith , amalina semua peluk peluk bapaknya , cucuk
cucuk perut bapaknya , peluk dr blkg , peluk dr depan , tp adik ni , nak ckp dgn babah pn
takmau , bila bapaknya kat bawah , anaknya kat atas , bila bapaknya naik atas , anaknya
turun bawah"
I think what she said is almost all true ?
I think she just discovered a new reason for me to cry some more
Emotional me
Emotional month
I need no emo
My dad scolded me abt smthng
It was just a small thing
I was ok
I went upstairs and grabbed the newspaper
And read abt the 18 years old girl
She's an actress and had to go to NS
She actually cried ?
And made a big deal out of it
OK whatever
Haha tkde kena mngena
So I lie down on the bed
I swore I would have snore off any minute
When suddenly my grandmother grabbed my shoulders
And looked at my face
G = "Nangis ke ?"
N = "Heh takdelah"
G = "Babah tu bkn apaaaaa , dia tegur je tu , atuk pn selalu marah nenek jugak"
N = "( Buat muka )"
She walked away
Then came my maid
M = "Nenek cakap anaknya tknk rapat dgn bapaknya , tp bapaknya ini kalau baru mahu rapat
sudah marah marah"
Eventhough her words are all twisted , I knw what she meant by that
I ddnt know why , but when she said that I cried
M = "Dik kenapa dik , adik ni tak rapat pn dgn babah , tak macam org org lain"
N = "Sape org lain ?"
M = "Mcm auntie zurina (nxt door nghbr) , anith , amalina semua peluk peluk bapaknya , cucuk
cucuk perut bapaknya , peluk dr blkg , peluk dr depan , tp adik ni , nak ckp dgn babah pn
takmau , bila bapaknya kat bawah , anaknya kat atas , bila bapaknya naik atas , anaknya
turun bawah"
I think what she said is almost all true ?
I think she just discovered a new reason for me to cry some more
Emotional me
Emotional month
I need no emo
Sucks To Be You
I know what they'd think of me
1 ) Gediknyewww dia
2 ) Pasal tu je kot , tahpape gila
3 ) She's very childish
4 ) Over je dia tu
5 ) Now she's annoying
I knowwwwwwwwwwwww I know
But Im not childish / gedik / over / annyg
Ok ok maybe I am a little annoying
Here's the real story
(Bukan nama sebenar)
F = Fila
M = Marke
N = ( This is me )
Y = Yracs
I was sitting next to F
Doing my work
I wanted to borrow his ruler
But annygly , he gave me his LK ruler
Which is big and long
So I was like
N = "Eee yg kecik tkde keeeeeeee ?"
F = "Tkde laaa , pinjam la Y ,"
N = "Eh taknak taknakkkkkkkk , takut laaaa"
F = "Apa kau niii ?"
N = "Taknak laaa takyahhh , takut la dia"
And he dumbly , thought that I actually like Y
He was teasing me non stop
But I couldnt care less
When suddenly , M came to our table
F told M that I like Y
M , being him , he was so over
M took my locker key and purposely dropped it next to where Y sits
And asked Y to pick it up for him
So Y did
I was like "Whatever"
M = "Wooohhh nadiaaa kau suka la kan Y dah pgg ni"
He repeated that sentence like over and over again
And Y was just next to him
How stupid can he be ?
And again ,
He took my pencil and dropped it next to Y
And asked him to pick it up
I know Y heard all of it
Dia mesti ingt aku bodoh ke apa haa
Mengada ke nak suruh dia angkat angkat semua
Being me , I walked out of the class
I couldnt stand it
When I walked back into the class
Everyone was paying attention
Bcs our chemistry teacher was teaching
Then M shouted from the back
M = "Hoii marah nampak org depan tuuu"
I was like "WTF IS YR PRBLM ?!"
But I didnt burst
I sat down infront
And he said smthng to me
But I didnt notice
I was already in tears
You wouldnt know
I didnt like being humiliated
I mean , it feels like that
For something that is not even true
And infront of that person
I mean , come onnnnnnn
If I say I dnt like it , dnt do it
And plus
Dont do it when its that time of the month for me
1 ) Gediknyewww dia
2 ) Pasal tu je kot , tahpape gila
3 ) She's very childish
4 ) Over je dia tu
5 ) Now she's annoying
I knowwwwwwwwwwwww I know
But Im not childish / gedik / over / annyg
Ok ok maybe I am a little annoying
Here's the real story
(Bukan nama sebenar)
F = Fila
M = Marke
N = ( This is me )
Y = Yracs
I was sitting next to F
Doing my work
I wanted to borrow his ruler
But annygly , he gave me his LK ruler
Which is big and long
So I was like
N = "Eee yg kecik tkde keeeeeeee ?"
F = "Tkde laaa , pinjam la Y ,"
N = "Eh taknak taknakkkkkkkk , takut laaaa"
F = "Apa kau niii ?"
N = "Taknak laaa takyahhh , takut la dia"
And he dumbly , thought that I actually like Y
He was teasing me non stop
But I couldnt care less
When suddenly , M came to our table
F told M that I like Y
M , being him , he was so over
M took my locker key and purposely dropped it next to where Y sits
And asked Y to pick it up for him
So Y did
I was like "Whatever"
M = "Wooohhh nadiaaa kau suka la kan Y dah pgg ni"
He repeated that sentence like over and over again
And Y was just next to him
How stupid can he be ?
And again ,
He took my pencil and dropped it next to Y
And asked him to pick it up
I know Y heard all of it
Dia mesti ingt aku bodoh ke apa haa
Mengada ke nak suruh dia angkat angkat semua
Being me , I walked out of the class
I couldnt stand it
When I walked back into the class
Everyone was paying attention
Bcs our chemistry teacher was teaching
Then M shouted from the back
M = "Hoii marah nampak org depan tuuu"
I was like "WTF IS YR PRBLM ?!"
But I didnt burst
I sat down infront
And he said smthng to me
But I didnt notice
I was already in tears
You wouldnt know
I didnt like being humiliated
I mean , it feels like that
For something that is not even true
And infront of that person
I mean , come onnnnnnn
If I say I dnt like it , dnt do it
And plus
Dont do it when its that time of the month for me
05 April 2009
Kids -_-
"What was my childhood like ?"
= No , I dont remember
Yesterday ,
I sat down with my maid
Who've been taking care of me for 15 years now
She recalled some of my childhood memories
Back then ,
I didnt like green veges
I prefer carrots , tomatoes and such
When we had dinner , my dad would force me to eat it all up
But I secretly hid it all under my chair
When I was 5
I had a super massive crush on my front door neighbour
Who was 7 years older ?
I even saw him taking his shower once -_-
I told my maid that Im gonna marry him someday
I even told her ambitiously , that I have 10 boyfriend(s) in school
When I had fevers
My mum would buy me tons of sweets
Bcs she knows that that would make me feel better
When I had to wake up early to go Children's Cottage
I purposely ignore my maid waking me up and purposely taking a very longggg shower
Bcs I prefer having to go to my kindergarten with my mum
Rather than going with my Uncle Van
So that I can buy Crunchies at Seven Eleven on my way there
I knew I was very cute back then
Bcs I remember all the compliments I would receive
When I accompany my mother to her office , facial day , or whtvr
Hahaha yeahhh
And when I accompany my maid to buy groceries
That mamak guy would always give me two or three candies
He'd say all the cute things to me
Hahahahah -_-
There's this mamak who sells roti and all the junk food(s)
He would come to my neighbourhood all night at 9
And he would love to carry me arnd
When my maid was buying some buns
And he would let me choose few of the junk food(s)
I would never forget that I was once a "Spice Girls #1 Fannn"
No , like seriously
My neighbour even bought all their albums and live concert dvd
I knowww
I would go to her house and watch it
Eventhough I dnt really like her
Hahahaha and she wouldnt let me go home
Not until we watched all the spice girls cd(s)
Theres this couple living next door to my house
Evrytime when they came home from work
They'd buy me a cadbury chocolate bar
Yearss back
I'd go to my neighbour's house
For Al-Quran Class
She taught me , Fini , Didi and Nina
And thats when I met Hanifa
He is sooooooooooooo cute
Back then
Hahahahahahah -_-
He's veryyy fairrrrrrrrr
You know I cant resist guys with fair skin
And his cheeks are like
Pink all the time
Hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahah
Once , I was lining up beside him
He looked at me
And made a very scary face
Ridiculous I tell you
I couldnt help myself
I burst out and laughed a little too loudly
And was scolded by my tutor
I went home with a bruise mark on the palm of my hand
When I was little
I wouldnt let my parents took a picture tgthr
Bcs stupidly , I would get so jealous
And everytime they want to take a picture tgthr
I would run up to them and stand infront of the camera
Wayyyy back when I was 7
I thought having scars and bruises on our legs was a cool thing
And I would purposely run so clumsily
Just to fall down and get a scratch
I regret having to do that
Bcs those mark(s) wont go away
Hahaha -_-
How extremely annoying can I get ?
= No , I dont remember
Yesterday ,
I sat down with my maid
Who've been taking care of me for 15 years now
She recalled some of my childhood memories
Back then ,
I didnt like green veges
I prefer carrots , tomatoes and such
When we had dinner , my dad would force me to eat it all up
But I secretly hid it all under my chair
When I was 5
I had a super massive crush on my front door neighbour
Who was 7 years older ?
I even saw him taking his shower once -_-
I told my maid that Im gonna marry him someday
I even told her ambitiously , that I have 10 boyfriend(s) in school
When I had fevers
My mum would buy me tons of sweets
Bcs she knows that that would make me feel better
When I had to wake up early to go Children's Cottage
I purposely ignore my maid waking me up and purposely taking a very longggg shower
Bcs I prefer having to go to my kindergarten with my mum
Rather than going with my Uncle Van
So that I can buy Crunchies at Seven Eleven on my way there
I knew I was very cute back then
Bcs I remember all the compliments I would receive
When I accompany my mother to her office , facial day , or whtvr
Hahaha yeahhh
And when I accompany my maid to buy groceries
That mamak guy would always give me two or three candies
He'd say all the cute things to me
Hahahahah -_-
There's this mamak who sells roti and all the junk food(s)
He would come to my neighbourhood all night at 9
And he would love to carry me arnd
When my maid was buying some buns
And he would let me choose few of the junk food(s)
I would never forget that I was once a "Spice Girls #1 Fannn"
No , like seriously
My neighbour even bought all their albums and live concert dvd
I knowww
I would go to her house and watch it
Eventhough I dnt really like her
Hahahaha and she wouldnt let me go home
Not until we watched all the spice girls cd(s)
Theres this couple living next door to my house
Evrytime when they came home from work
They'd buy me a cadbury chocolate bar
Yearss back
I'd go to my neighbour's house
For Al-Quran Class
She taught me , Fini , Didi and Nina
And thats when I met Hanifa
He is sooooooooooooo cute
Back then
Hahahahahahah -_-
He's veryyy fairrrrrrrrr
You know I cant resist guys with fair skin
And his cheeks are like
Pink all the time
Hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahah
Once , I was lining up beside him
He looked at me
And made a very scary face
Ridiculous I tell you
I couldnt help myself
I burst out and laughed a little too loudly
And was scolded by my tutor
I went home with a bruise mark on the palm of my hand
When I was little
I wouldnt let my parents took a picture tgthr
Bcs stupidly , I would get so jealous
And everytime they want to take a picture tgthr
I would run up to them and stand infront of the camera
Wayyyy back when I was 7
I thought having scars and bruises on our legs was a cool thing
And I would purposely run so clumsily
Just to fall down and get a scratch
I regret having to do that
Bcs those mark(s) wont go away
Hahaha -_-
How extremely annoying can I get ?
04 April 2009
Im backing off
Im letting go
Im dead serious -_-
I've spent like 35 minutes
To make my decision
And this is final ,
Im unleashing this feeling
Im letting it go
Bcs its not at all worth my time
This feeling is not helping
It makes me look - - - - - stupid ?
In this kinda situation ,
I think Im not a risk-taker
Im going to stick to myself
And survive
I dnt want to lose control
I dnt want to lose my friends
I dnt want to hurt my own feeling
That sounds so stupid , yesss , stupid
My decision is final
Im going to take a step away from it all
No matter how strong the feeling may be
Im backing off
Im backing off
Im letting go
Im dead serious -_-
I've spent like 35 minutes
To make my decision
And this is final ,
Im unleashing this feeling
Im letting it go
Bcs its not at all worth my time
This feeling is not helping
It makes me look - - - - - stupid ?
In this kinda situation ,
I think Im not a risk-taker
Im going to stick to myself
And survive
I dnt want to lose control
I dnt want to lose my friends
I dnt want to hurt my own feeling
That sounds so stupid , yesss , stupid
My decision is final
Im going to take a step away from it all
No matter how strong the feeling may be
Im backing off
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