04 February 2009


You can't really know a person too well
Right ?

Never say you know me
Like you really do
Never say that

Because you don't
And I don't like it

"I kissed a guy who I barely knew ,"
A : Oh I know you , you wouldn't do that

"I think Im not getting this at all ,"
B : Haha knowing you , you would neverrr get it

"(Not talking at all , for hours)"
C : Walking away , because she / he thinks that they wouldn't like to be disturb

Everyone can change (!)
From not being emotional , to being one

I can changeeeeeeeeeee (!)
From being a sick old bitch , to being a goody two shoes


You don't know me

So stop acting like you do
Please , stop

Its not like you know evrythng I think
And evrythng I dont think
It irritates me a lot

I change my mind like , evry second
How can you say you know me ?

Don't stare at me like "Are you really Nadia ?"
When I started saying thank you
When I started being nice
When I started liking those bitches

You dont knowwwww why I really did that
Why I dont like saying thank you(s)
Why I dont like to dance
Why I dont like to talk to adult(s)

You just know I dont like doing some thing(s)
But you don't know the reason why

Is that what you called " I know her " ?
Huh ? Huh ?

Not any of my family knows me too well
Not even my bestfriend(s)

Maybe my enemies knows me the best ?
Hah -_- rightttttttt

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