06 January 2009


Best bai , 2009

4 Gaharu , sounds so different -_-
Serious shit
Weird gila babi

Well , I've got what I wanted
LK's class : O

4 Angsana , Ayiesha
4 Beringin , Fthn Elydia
4 Gaharu , Nadira Nadia

Semua dngr mcm jauhhhh jauhhh

A teacher asked abt our ambition(s)
And I was the first one to stand
As I was sitting in the front row
Well , I said I wanted to be a " Hmmm , ahhh , architect ? "

Homaiiiiigod -_-
I sounded so unsure
Its like a " Yeah but no but yeah but no buut yeahhhh " decision

And todayy
My mother asked my brthr to help her get an astro wiring shit
Where you can have only one decoder but on two tv

Result to that action = I cant watch Astro upstairs due to wiring error

Gilaaaaaaaaaa annoyingggggggggggggggg
And I guess
When its all fixed up

It'll be like = I still cant watch Astro bcs my mother / father wants to watch their fvrt channels -_-

How annyg can life be ?

Aku rasa aku akan spend time dgn mmbaca buku pelajaran

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