23 July 2008

Say ,

I dont get it
Why do u guys have to make it tougher ?
Cant we just be friends like friends should be ?

Stop criticizing
Stop complaining

Make a difference
Watch yr words

When you already know she's sensitive

Back off , dont bother
If you're kind enough
Take care of it for her

Its not hard
Its not

Yeah , its a joke
But it still hurts

How wld you react if you get a piece of joke like that ?

"I wouldnt be suprise if one day you lost your virgin (hahaha) "

Chill , thats a joke too
It wouldnt hurt that bad rght ?

Do something
You may think its a small thing
But if it is repeated many times
Its already too late , bcs its already big
It would even kill a friendship

Dont walk away

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