Aku tau aku kena lupakan semua psl kau
Aku tau aku kena tngglkn semua bnda ni kat blkg
Aku tau ah semua
Tp aku tktau kalau aku sanggup ke tak
Aku tktau kalau aku boleh ke tak
Bukan sng
Tak sng lngsng
Aku ingt aku akan ok
Tp tak
Aku makin jd teruk
Nak ckp aku tk sanggup tnggu kau pn dah cukup sakit aa
Aku tk thn
Masa kau ada , tkde satu bnda pn yg bt aku ingt kat kau
Lps kau tkde mmg ah ,
Semua bnda pn bt aku ingt kat kau
Sakit hati tau ak
Sedih gila babi
Semua kata aku bodoh
Aku tau
Tp aku bt ada sbb
Tp aku tau kau tkkn accpt sbb aku tu
Semua org tkkn
Aku just nk kau tau
Kau bt hidup aku meaningful sngt
Thanks and sorry
Love ,
: )
20 March 2008
19 March 2008
I think Im regretting it
Day by day
I knw ,
Mcm bodoh
But ,
I just cant help it
I knw the guilt is there
I knw the regret is there too
I hate this feelings
I hate you
For entering my life
For being wiith me evry single night until 5 am last year
For being so nice
For taking my breath away
For destroying evrythng at once
For making me smile
For cheering me up
But thanks
I miss you so
I knw I shouldnt be saying this
I loved you once
: )
I knw I mayyyy broke your heart a lil bit
or not
But if you're me , I hate myself too
No doubt
But I need youu
You're a greaaaaaaat friend
And I so miss you
I hate this ,
I knw ,
It hurts me too
Telling you that ,
Im sorry <3
: )
18 March 2008
Bkn kwn aku ke kwn aku ?
Ada ah
Sorang prmpn nii
Yg otak dia dah kena racun sama laki puki ni
She doesnt even caaaaare !
For the least of it , please do care
Mcm like , seriously
Its like you're giving evrythng to him
But he only wants nothing but lust
And he's not giving anythng to you
Aku mmg tknk ambik kisah
Sikit pn tknk
Bcs you're a nobody to me
Seeing you getting hurt
Especially by a guy like that
Mcm aku kena makan tikus mati bwh longkang tau ak
Dnt be a fool
Stop saying someone else a fool
But u didnt even bother to check your own foolness
Im not blaming tht guy sngt pn
Bcs he's right too
Dia pn rimas
We all can see tht
And stop giving reasons like
"I miss him so much !"
WhatthefuckdoIcare ?
Jgn aa malukan diri kau !
You can hit on a better guy
Bkn laki tkde neck tu
Bangang je lebih
Stop following him arnd ,
He's not cmfrtble
And reality check ,
Even if brp chapter baru pn korang nk bukak
If the ego is still there ,
Nothing will change
17 March 2008
My life without you in it
Is not worth living it ,
I swear that sometimes
I feel weak
Weak as in butterflies laa
Maaan , he made evrythng seem so easy
: )
Td bdh btl
Masa tgh jalan jalan dgn dia
Ayum , Imrn , Hkl , Flq muncul kat blkg
Aku tgh calit calit Awis kot masa tuuu
Pastu Imrn ckp "eleh eleh , calit calit plk"
*smbl calit calit flq*
Imrn ckp "I love you syggg"
Flq "I love you too"
Imrn "I love you moreee"
Flq "I malu la uuu"
Sumpah bdh
Hish annyg
I revealed my hair akhirnya
And semua mcm
"HAAAHH ! Asl straightttt ?"
Elydia annoyingly ckp
"You look better laa"
repeat bnyk kaliii
Aku pndg fthn dgn muka sedihh
"Selama ni aku teruk sngt ke ?"
Awis pn tk pcy , shocked laa
Dia dtg pn mcm mata tk blink blink
Ndr kecoh kecoh
First time dia mcm insist org ckp aku comel
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